[KANEZxKomanxYun] I danced お気に召すまま(as you like) [Sighs]
[KANEZxKomanxYun] お気に召すままを踊ってみた
Original Music::https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32338124
Original Video::https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm33947464
KANEZ (Montage_KANEZ): I've hosted it for the first time in a long time. I'm glad you've completed it successfully thanks to both of you! Your comments are so hectic that I'm leaving a calm comment. ᄒᄒᄒᄒ
@Y_unLey: Wax!!! It's a call! Come on, Miss Corman. 12 o'clock, please!
Koman(@koman0120_1) : Wow!!! It's been a long time since I danced the dog~ It's finally over! I don't want to do it!
Special thanks: cabbage mushrooms (@ki__noB)
See Original

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